Our Mission: The LaFayette Library is a user-centered inclusive space for community engagement, where we provide equitable access to resources, ideas, and information to support the varied and evolving needs of our community.
New York State considers library usage to be confidential, and New York State law restricts access to library records. No one may access another patron's address, telephone number, items that are currently checked out on their card, items they have requested, or any other information contained within their records, without a court order. A patron may be given access to their own records, but only if they present their New York State library card or other valid form of identification.
Children have the same rights under this law as adults. A parent who signs a minor's library card only shows acceptance of fines and fees; it does not allow the parent access to the child's library records.
Staff shall never disclose to a third party any information about a patron's library usage, including Library material checked out or websites visited on Library computers. In the unlikely event that law enforcement officers should present a court order, staff shall refer them to the Director.
Approved by the Library Board of Trustees January 18, 2023